Monday, 26 June 2017

Belshazzar & Berlioz

Rembrandt, Belshazzar's Feast. 1636-8, Oil on canvas, 167.6 x 209.2 cm. National Gallery, London.

Singing in the University Choir: Belshazzar's Feast and Grande symphonie funèbre et triomphale

On the 14th June I had the pleasure of singing with the University Choir alongside the University Symphony Orchestra in this term's concert in York Minster. It was a marvellous and really rather grand occasion, directed by the brilliant Peter Seymour and fervent conductor John Stringer. The first half was Berlioz's stereotypically French Grande symphonie funèbre et triomphale, performed mainly by the orchestra, with the choir bursting in at the end the final movement with 'Gloire! Gloire et triomphe!' The second was all Walton - the grandiose Crown Imperial followed by the iconic Belshazzar's Feast: מנא מנא תקל ופרסין‎ 

Belshazzar also featured the incredible visiting baritone, whom I had the delight to get to know after the concert, Benedict Nelson. I sang with the comparatively small tenor section of the choir, having joined this section to charitably try to boost it, since there are only about ten of them, compared to about sixty sopranos etc. It really was good fun, a fantastic culmination of the term's rehearsals and I believe the crowd thoroughly enjoyed it -- certainly a couple of friends of mine did! The mighty brass section may have at times drowned out the choir, but these things happen...

Look out for more termly Uni Choir concerts! I intend to remain with the choir - 'tis a fun hobby on a Monday evening!

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